Fountain Bleau Is a neon waterfountain design  that was challenging and very rewarding at the same time. The sound of the water splashing down and the reflecting colors of the neon create a very soothing effect. This is one of the only indoor waterfountain sculptures in the world to incorparate Water, Neon, Plexiglas, And brushed Aluminum all in the same Sculpture...... 
More waterfountains are designed and coming soon......
                                 Call today to order yours at 502-419-6755
Brushed Aluminum, Neon, Plexiglass, Mixed Media
54 x 36 x 7
"Fountain Bleau"
Waterfall,neon waterfall,water art,indoor waterfall,art waterfall,indoor water sculpture,neon indoor water sculpture,Neon art,neon sculpture,neon,neonartist,neon
Tony Viscardi
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